Saturday 13 January 2007

Shaking off the germs... 05th January, 2007

Finally made it out for a run today. I think 4 days without has been my longest time for almost 6 months! Just concentrating on the 5K for the next week.

The race is a week tomorrow - I've got the number, the chip, the new base layer to wear under my RNLI vest. (Ooooo soooo co-ordinated dahling!) And I still have a cold. Felt beyond dreadful last night when I went to sleep but a solid 9h seemed to fix me right-up. I know that I'm going to get that horrid feeling back this evening but at least the day has been enjoyed!

So, to the run. A simple 5K on the flat in the usual woods. Just a watch, a dog and me. But I know the 5K route well so I can give rough splits.





A grand total of 29.00 - it wont win any prizes but given I'm not on top form I'll take it.

My next run is a trial run of the course on Sunday - with friends who've all run it before. I prepare to be ashamed by the HILL. I can't believe I seem to run sub 10min/miles now! I can't believe I'm running in a race!

Off to wash off the feeling of incredulity!

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