Saturday, 14 February 2009


It's been a while since I had a more thoughtful post. This one would like a bit of feedback so feel free to comment. (Go on, you know you want to.)

I propose the following:

Blogging can lead to better conversations with your friends.*

I suggest the above because:
1) It cuts through all the small chit-chat that is essential to greasing the wheels of friendship and allows you to get straight to the point.
2) It gives you more time to ask how they're doing, to get filled in by them (especially if they don't blog) on their lives (something everyone feels good about).
3) It also means that if you did do something fun/interesting/exciting you don't have to go over the basics (jeesh - we were stuck in the airport for 9 hours), but can get more into the meat of the topic.
4) It frees up more time to talk about everything else - the world, politics, religion, cooking, clothing, pets, plants, snow, games.
5) Because you've already organised your thoughts through your blog when asked about your life by friends/strangers it is easier to be vocal on the subject.
6) In the most basic way, if your work doesn't involve words, blogging helps to keep the linguistic part of your brain in working (if not always perfectly grammatically correct) order.
7) If you know a blogging friend is having a hard time you might contact them more directly (gosh - someone might even pick up the phone!) and give them some light relief/just listen.

Is there an argument for the opposition?

*This is based on the assumption that your real flesh-and-blood known friends are aware of your blog and choose to dip into it occasionally.


Ray Lucas said...

On point one - it's a sometimes a little disconcerting to have those conversations starting half-way through, as I often forget that I've mentioned something on my Blog. My poor addled brain then spends a lot of its time pondering the question "how do they know that?" That's just me, though. When I was at Uni, people would open with a comment "so you like such and such band, then?" I'd be left thinking they were psychic or something until I remembered I was wearing a t-shirt with said band emblazoned across my chest (one memorable incident involved a Yosemite Sam t-shirt... I thought they were casting aspersions about my facial hair). Your point is entirely valid, though - my thought process is probably just a little behind the times and only just getting to grips with the idea of mobile phones never mind blogs, wikis, and twitter...

My work does involve writing, but the blog is pretty good to just jot things down, sometimes even to write in a less pressured environment - no deadlines for papers, no peer reviews or critiques... and nice for anyone who wants to know a little more about what I'm up to and what I actually think about it... saves them asking sometimes!

I've been told by friends that I give more away in writing (mainly e-mails) - that's probably true... so I usually hear from there if they've been having a hard time. My closest friends e-mail a lot as a group to each other - so if someone's been quiet, then it's usually time to ask if everything's OK.

That's probably very boring and entirely in agreement, but I'll run that risk!

That said, I only know of a couple of people who are reading my blog... and I'm not necessarily writing for anyone but myself. Selfish that way, I suppose!

Fiona Lochhead said...

1. Most people are dull as ditch water. Without small-talk, they have nothing to say. Also, launching into a deep conversation can be quite hard.
2. Nobody really cares how anyone's doing, unless something tragic/remarkable/hilarious has happened.
3. A sad case of number 1 here. Why do people find it necessary to relate the dull details when nobody cares?
4. In theory. Actually you just end up talking about the weather, owing to point 1.
5. Maybe. But organised thoughts are over-rated.
6. Agreed.
7. Also true.