Monday 9 April 2007

Tis the season for chocolate eatin'

Oh god, the shame, the horror. No runs over Easter and more chocolate than my arteries can cope with. The most exertion was French Cricket, Quick Cricket, and Boule! I think I might melt into a pool of lard. I've put on 3lb since getting ill 2 weeks before the Half.
April will have to be a month of exercise and trimness - that goal weight isn't going to be achieved by wishing alone.

But a great time was had by all (or so they said before running back to their respective homes laden with chocolate, cake, and all manner of evil goodness). Saturday was relaxed and lovely - just 6 of us for a chicken stew: some card playing, footie watching and relaxing. Sunday was party day - a giant roast leg of lamb, potato salad, salads, crisps, cheeeeeese. Then the onslaught of sugar which has left me crazed for all things calorific.

This too shall pass.

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