Tuesday 15 May 2007

In the midnight hour

Been a lazy SOB recently. Don't know what's come over me. I'm officially designating this week as my lazy/relaxed/low mileage week. No run since Tuesday. No long run at all. And then there was the cup cake, the muffin and the eclair... say no more.

In my paltry defence I've been busy as a worker bee. (Oh to be the Queen!) Work has been manic, TheO went away to London for a few days and returns tomorrow with two charges (US young'ans who will need to be suitable fed, sheltered, watered etc). So, apart from work I fitted in a host of hideous domestic tasks including a full weeks shopping at 1am this morning. All hale the Tesco's shaped chief. It was the strangest atmosphere. The lights were partially dimmed, the music and speakers were off, I saw one other shopper apart from me ... the staff were friendly, unharrassed; and if you are happy to pick your way around the plethora of re-stocking trolleys - a truly delightful shopping experience. Remarkably relaxing, almost soothing.

Other sights:
No, really, this one is more interesting. We went out to dinner with some mates who dropped us home (now, we live in the country, up a hill, 2 miles from the nearest shop/village) and had to stop because there was an old (I'd guess 70-ish) runner heading up the hill - at night - in the dark. My first thought:"Good on her!" If she feels happiest running at night then more power to her. I'm delighted she feels safe. Gives me hope for my dotage.

So, I bid you all goodnight, and hope that normal service will be returned tomorrow. ........... when I actually put my trainers on and get.out.the.door.

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